Cif Disinfect + Shine 2 in 1 For multiple surfaces Flower Breeze 02/2023 - 02/2023
To find out more about the ingredients used in the product and its function simply click on ingredient name. Due to limited space on pack, we also disclose a longer list of fragrance ingredients. For recently launched products or where the formulation has changed, this detailed fragrance information might not be immediately available as it takes time to update each product page.
We take great care to ensure information on this site is up to date. However, please always check the product packaging for the most up to date ingredients used.
All product names which include a date (month and year) are no longer manufactured.
Aqua (Rastvarač)
Rastvara supstance ili sastojke
Undeceth-10 (Emulzifikator)
Omogućava da dve ili više tečnosti koje se obično ne kombinuju formiraju jedinstven rastvor koji se često naziva „emulzija“
Citric Acid
No glossary
Monosodium citrate (Sredstvo za prilagođavanje ph vrednosti)
Kontroliše kiselu/alkalnu ravnotežu proizvoda
Sodium Benzoate (Konzervans)
Produžava rok trajanja proizvoda, čak i nakon otvaranja, tako što ga štiti od bakterija, kvasaca i plesni
Parfum (Miris)
Daje karakterističan, prijatan miris
Starch/Acrylates/Acrylamide Copolymer (Formator filma)
Formira glatku, konzistentnu pokrivenost kada se nanese
Dimethicone (Sredstvo protiv penjenja)
Sprečava formiranje prekomerne pene ili mehurića prilikom korišćenja proizvoda